Rising Gemini's image

The three types of readings are:

A natal chart reading

We can see the mission your soul came to accomplish this life time. We can see your strengths, your weaknesses, your connection with the people in your life.

A transit reading

We can see the energies that are influence various aspects of your life now. You can ask things like, is this a good time to change a job? Should I be saving money? What should I be focused on in my career?

A comparison reading

You can compare your chart with your significant other to see how you compliment each other, are there challenges, is there a past life connection.


Natal Chart Reading

$155.00 (60 min session) If a follow-up session is required, the cost is $95 (45 minutes). Follow-up pricing is valid up to 4 weeks from the initial Natal Chart Reading.

Transit chart

$150.00 (60 min session)

Comparison chart

$150.00 (60 min session)

Child’s natal chart

$52.00 (30 min session)