
Is this like Tarot reading?

No, it is different. Astrology is closer to a science than chance. We read the energetic influences of celestial bodies on our lives. Ever wondered why when it's a full moon, things are a little strange?

What is a natal chart?

It is a map of your soul. Your soul chose the exact time, right down to the minute, of when is wanted to come to earth. The timing of the soul is chosen to aid the soul on its journey.

I'm nervous, what if there is something bad?

There is never anything bad. All souls have gifts which we want to uncover. We simply look at your strengths, possible weaknesses. Mostly we confirm much of what you are thinking, but can provide additional insight as to why.

Can an astrologer predict the future?

No, Kabbalisitic astrology is a tool to assist a person navigate life's journey. As souls we are encouraged to rise above our nature, and therefore we all have free will to change our course at anytime. As your astrologer, I am here to gently assist, inspire, motivate, support. Everyone should have a committed astrologer.

What is the connection with energy healing?

There is a very strong connection between energy healing and Kabblsitic astrology. We only see 1% of reality. There are so many energies we don't see with our eyes. From your own subtle body energy, your aura, to the larger celestial body energies that all work together. Some energy comes from past lives that can be influencing us today. Have you ever met someone you felt you've known before? Or had an instance where you felt you've been there before?